EThe History of “Noh”
The gSANGAKUh which was introduced from China and the gDENGAKUh from ancient Japan merged, and was recognized as gENGAKUh between the Namboku-cho and early Muromachi-era (from the end of the14th century until beginning of the 15th century). From there gNohh was recognized, and was established as drama performance for the first time. Ashikaga Yoshimitsu discovered talent in KANAMI and ZEAMI, singled them out, and eKabukif was established. From then it developed targeting KUGE (court noble) and BUKE (samurai class) people known as performing arts. By the Edo-era, Noh became internalized in the BAKUHANTAISEI as a SHIKIGAKU to the samurai class, and Noh actors/actresses became acknowledged as a status. Then it was divided into five rates; SHITEKATA, WAKIKATA, HAYASHIKATA, KYOUGENKATA, and BUNGYOUSEI as they are known today. The form of Noh, which is performed today, was nearly completed by the mid-Edo-era.

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